Product details
Product description
Seat and Backres
Upholstered in fabric or leather. Carried out on the basis of a bearing structure made of wood and chipboard padded with foam. The applied in seat ZIG ZAG springs increase the seating comfort
Upholstered in fabric or leather. Prepared on the basis of bearing structure made of wood and chipboard padded with foam. The applied in construction rubber belts increase seating comfort
A flat bar made of stainless steel or usual steel – powder painted. SystemThe VOO VOO collection consists of:
• independent armchairs and sofas with or without armrests
• system units: armchairs, sofas and corner units
• poufs and tables completing the system
More information about this product can be found at: voo voo - Bejot
Collection description
Create your own systems
The VOO VOO is an interesting proposition of a set of the standard sofas, armchairs and a system of the sofas intended for the reception desk interiors, leisure areas, halls, waiting rooms. Through its modularity, the VOVO, offers a wide range of the possibilities of creating the different combinations according to an individual idea.
Geometrical shapes
The simple, geometric shapes and an additional equipment in the form of the tables make the designer set VOO VOO blend seamlessly with severity and elegance of the modern office and public interiors.