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Wiata z pomieszczeniem gospodarczym z tyłu, wiata na jedno auto, wiata dwustanowiskowa
HurtownikGroup Sp. z o.o. logo
HurtownikGroup Sp. z o.o.

Wiata z pomieszczeniem gospodarczym z tyłu, wiata na jedno auto, wiata dwustanowiskowa

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport,...

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, premium cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport,...

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, premium cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport,...

Carport with a utility room at the back, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car...

Carport with a utility room at the back, carport, two-car carport, single-car carport, carport for one vehicle, steel carport, carport, dedicated technical door, standard cover panel.

Idealne rozwiązanie dla rodziny posiadającej samochód, natomiast pomieszczenie gospodarcze pełni rolę dodatkowej komórki na narzędzia, rowery i wiele innych przedmiotów używanych w obrębie domostwa. Do profilowania słupów o przekroju 100×100 mm wykorzystana została ocynkowana stal konstrukcyjna. Słupy zakończone zostały zostały solidnymi płaskownikami z otworami przygotowanymi do kotwiczenia z fundamentem.
Powłoka antykondensacyjna – chroni przed skraplaniem pary wodnej i powstawaniem szronu na szybie pojazdu. Ocynkowana ogniowo i malowana proszkowo stal daje pewność użytkowania bez konieczności dodatkowej konserwacji. Wiata skutecznie chroni przed czynnikami atmosferycznymi (mocne promienie słoneczne, deszcz, wiatr). Odpowiednio zbudowana wiata na samochód sprawi, że pojazd będzie bezpieczny – nie nagrzeje się w upalne dni, zimą nie będzie zasypany śniegiem, a przy zastosowaniu ścianek będzie osłonięty przed wiatrem. Dzięki takiemu wykonaniu samochód ma dodatkową ochronę przed korozją i wilgocią.
Ściany pomieszczenia gospodarczego wykonujemy z dwóch materiałów: wysokoodpornej i izolującej płyty PIR o grubości 40mm oraz ze stali falistej.
Houses, Possessions, Parking lots
Brands in project
HurtownikGroup Sp. z o.o.

ul. Złota 39, 65-128 Zielona Góra, Poland
+48 732 081 990
Affiliate program for architects and designers

See also

Carport with a utility room

Houses, Architecture, Possessions, Landscape, Parking lots

Garage carport with a side utility room, single and double carport.

Houses, Architecture, Possessions, Landscape, Parking lots

Single-car, two-car, and multi-car carports

Houses, Architecture, Possessions, Landscape, Parking lots

Louver fence

Houses, Architecture, Gardens, Landscape, Possessions

Carport with a garage

Houses, Architecture, Possessions, Landscape, Parking lots

Modular fence, panel fence, screen, terrace screen, solid fence

Houses, Architecture, Gardens, Landscape, Possessions

Rychlińskiego 73sqm

Houses, Architecture, Cuisines, Interiors, Bathrooms

Modern Elegance: Minimalist Villa Design

Houses, Architecture, Other, Interiors, Gardens, Landscape